Canada business contact lists
Reach new markets with your custom-built business contact list using our online list-building service. In less than 5 minutes, get thousands of new b2b prospects for your company's products or services. There's no easier way to reach targeted businesses in Canada!
Click here to create your Canada business contact list online and preview it for free.
Refine your business contact list by industry, province, city, or a combination thereof. Your business contact list is a good source of sales leads for direct marketing purposes. For example, you may wish to use your B2B business contact list for direct mail, telemarketing, and database marketing purposes.
Targeted business contact lists
The best way to reach potential customers is to target your Canada business contact list to include the exact traits you want. Many providers of business contact lists specialize in what is known as targeted lists - they allow you to select from dozens or even hundreds of fields of information to create detailed demographic and lifestyle filters that match the characteristics of your client base.
Because our master business contact list contains over a million business records, these selects will let you narrow your search to a more specific audience.
Content for business contact lists
Even two or three sentences of original content can provide a reason for business contact list recipients to read your message. Short bits of information, such as five tips for a healthy lawn from a landscape company or suggestions for dressing for success from a clothing retailer are ways to keep your business contact list audience interested in your direct marketing. Unlike a press release, which gives the media your business news, marketing to a business contact list needs to focus on benefits to the customer. Once you've got them reading and have drawn attention to these customer benefits, you can include as much as you'd like about your company.
Writing for your business contact list
The most critical part of your business contact list message is the call to action. You must tell people what you want them to do and how they will benefit. Better yet, make them an offer they can't refuse. Special offers - particularly time-sensitive ones - help to garner responses. When marketing to your business contact list remember that it's easier to get people to call you than to send something back to you. If you require customers to return order forms or other documents via mail, include a prestamped and preaddressed envelope.